DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Serial Port Configuration
Handshaking, Baud Rate, Word Size, Stop Bits, and Parity are configured through either the serial or
Ethernet ports using the menus. Xon/Xoff, RTS and DTR Line Drivers can only be configured through
the phone line via a modem. The default settings are 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit,
Xon/Xoff Off and RTS/DTR High.
IMPORTANT: Changing the Host module serial port configuration could create a
communications lock-out if the terminal computer serial port configuration does not match the
host module.
Baud Rate
Select “Baud Rate” to change the rate the modem transfers Data bites per second, the DS displays the
following: Default is 9600
Word Size
The word size is the measurement of the actual data bits in a transmission. Which setting you choose
depends on what information you are transferring. For example, standard ASCII has values from 0 to
127 (7 bits). Extended ASCII uses 0 to 255 (8 bits). If the data being transferred is simple text (standard
ASCII), sending 7 bits of data per packet is sufficient for communication. A packet refers to a single
byte transfer, including start/stop bits, data bits, and parity.
Select “Word Size” and the DS displays the following: Default is 8
|Port| Port | Baud | Word | Stop |Parity|Xon/ Xoff|LineDrive|
| | Name | Rate | Size | Bits | |Xmit|Recv|DTR |RTS |
| 1 |Host EIA-232 | 9600 | 8 | 1 | None | Off| Off|High|High|
Exit/Save......1 Set Parity........5
Set Baud Rate..2 Set Xon/Xoff......6
Set Word Size..3 RTS Line Driver...7
Set Stop Bits..4 DTR Line Driver...8
Enter Request :
" 300 " ......1
" 600 " ......2
" 1200 " ......3
" 2400 " ......4
" 4800 " ......5
" 9600 " ......6
"19200 " ......7
"38400 " ......8
"57600 " ......9
"115.2k" ......A
Enter Select :