Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE
Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware
• Link Fail Counts: The number of times the link failed. A link fail interrupts operation of the
Ethernet link for a small number of milliseconds. During this interruption, some packets might be
dropped (depending on traffic levels).
• PMD Freeze Event Counter: Counts the occurrence of micro-interruption or saturation events.
Micro-interruptions and ADC saturations are caused by impulse noise for a short duration. This is
implemented in the octal chip as a 8-bit counter.
The link parameters need to be monitored both for the upstream and downstream directions.
You can use the information you get from the link monitor to log events, set traps, change to a lower rate
profile, and disable the auto power back-off feature.
See the reference pages for the link monitor commands in the Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Command
Reference for further details.
Upgrading LRE Switch Firmware
The 2950 Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switch can store and properly apply LRE binaries in case there
are updates required to the firmware on the switches’ local LRE controllers or connected customer
premises equipment (CPE) devices.
Other desirable upgrade-related features include:
• Allowing you to use an earlier version of the LRE software if required.
• Simplifying the upgrade process as much as possible, especially in cases where you want the ability
to upgrade multiple CPE devices by issuing a single command.
Note Whether upgrading a single CPE device or all CPE devices connected to an LRE switch, the expected
duration of an LRE upgrade is 3 to 6 minutes (CPE devices connected to marginal links might take longer
than this to upgrade).
You perform an upgrade with this command:
hw-module slot x upgrade lre [force][local lo n | remote lo x/y]
Automatic upgrading is not supported. You can upgrade in one of these ways:
• Upgrade a single remote CPE device.
• Upgrade a single local LRE controller (local LRE chipset).
• Upgrade all CPE devices and local chipsets that require an upgrade (a system-wide upgrade, which
is the default)
Configuring for an LRE Upgrade
In the absence of any LRE Upgrade configurations, the LRE upgrade attempts to upgrade all local LRE
controllers and CPE devices to the most recent compatible versions of the LRE binaries required for each
LRE target device. LRE upgrade configurations should rarely be required. The primary purpose of LRE
upgrade configuration commands is to provide for downgrades of LRE binaries.