Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 8 Statistics Collection Manager
CWM-CWM Communications
The Start Collection Dialog allows collection configuration for the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
collection servers. Also, the stats database host can be set, and IP Routing can be designated as inband
or out-of-band as seen in Figure 8-12.
CWM-CWM Communications
Release 10 of Cisco WAN Manager has been designed to enable multiple CWM workstations to manage
a network with improved network synchronization and scalability. The architecture uses a server-client
structure for communications between the CWM server and client processes.
CWM workstations use CWM-CWM Communications to synchronize user data with each other. When
user data is provisioned or changed, the CWM workstations will propagate the new data to the other
CWM workstations. The user is able to continue the provisioning of network data, even when
communications between a Primary CWM and Secondary CWM have been interrupted. If for any reason
the communications between CWM servers are interrupted, the provisioning of the user data will be
suspended on the Secondary CWM, but not on the Primary CWM as user data provisioning will continue
on the Primary CWM. During that time, the provisioning of user data and monitoring of the network are
not impacted.
In a given wide area network managed by Release 10 of CWM, the first CWM workstation to begin
operation will assume the role of Primary CWM. As other CWM workstations become active, they will
take on Secondary CWM workstation roles. The only difference in function between Primary and
Secondary CWM workstations is that the Primary CWM workstation would provide the Secondary
CWM workstations with user data when the Secondary CWM workstation launches.
Priority numbers of all Secondaries are assigned by the Primary at the time a Secondary registers with
the Primary. It is based on “first-come-first-serve” logic. All the Secondaries have the same privilege
except that the Secondary with priority 1 will take over as the Primary if the Primary shuts down.
SCM CWM-CWM Gateway Support
Stats collection is populated from the Primary SCM to the Secondary SCM. Primary gateways save
enabling information and forward data to the Secondary host via the Stats Master.
Time Sync
Timing in SCM is qualified by the node time and a sequence to connect from Primary to Secondary with
a set maximum amount of retries.
SCM Inband and Out-of-band
TFTP and FTP are used to transfer files using the network IP address for inband communications, and
the LAN IP address for out-of-band communications.