Adding & editing Media server configurations
Cisco TelePresence Content Server 4.1 printable online
Media server configuration: iTunes U Server
iTunes U is a third-party product provided by Apple. For setup and support information on iTunes U,
go to:
A descriptive name for the Media
server configuration.
The server name is used in the Template and
Manage outputs pages when selecting a Media
server configuration. This is a required field.
The Site URL provided by Apple
which identifies this iTunes U
Enter and confirm the Shared
Secret provided by Apple for this
iTunes U account.
The credential string provided by
Apple specifying administrator
The actual name of the account
used to upload content to iTunes U.
The username of the account used
to upload content to iTunes U.
The email address of the account
used to upload content to iTunes U.
The user identifier for the account
used to upload content to iTunes U.
The iTunes U upload location, for
This ID is the suffix of the URL found by
dragging a tab within iTunes while browsing
your iTunes U account.