
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 30 Managing Remote Access VPNs on ASA and PIX 7.0+ Devices
Working with SSL and IKEv2 IPSec VPN Policies
Related Topics
Configuring Other SSL VPN Settings (ASA), page 30-41
Field Reference
Configuring SSL VPN Encoding Rules (ASA)
Use the Encoding tab of the SSL VPN Other Settings page to specify the character set to encode in SSL
VPN portal pages to be delivered to remote users. By default, the encoding type set on the remote
browser determines the character set for SSL VPN portal pages, so you need to set the character
encoding only if it is necessary to ensure proper encoding on the browser.
Character encoding is the pairing of raw data (such as 0’s and 1’s) with characters to represent the data.
The language determines the character encoding method to use. Some languages use the same method,
while others do not. Usually, the geographic region determines the default encoding method used by the
browser, but the remote user can change this. The browser can also detect the encoding specified on the
page, and render the document accordingly.
The encoding attribute lets you specify the value of the character encoding method in the SSL VPN
portal page to ensure that the browser renders it properly, regardless of the region in which the user is
using the browser, or any changes made to the browser.
The character encoding attribute is a global setting that, by default, all SSL VPN portal pages inherit.
However, you can override the file-encoding attribute for Common Internet File System (CIFS) servers
that use character encoding that differs from the value of the character-encoding attribute. You can use
different file-encoding values for CIFS servers that require different character encodings.
Table 30-18 Add or Edit Content Rewrite Dialog Box
Element Description
Enable When selected, enables content rewriting on the security appliance for
the rewrite rule.
Some applications do not require this processing, such as external
public web sites. For these applications, you might choose to turn off
content rewriting.
Rule Number The number for this rule. This number specifies the position of the rule
in the list. Rules without a number are at the end of the list. The range
is from 1 to 65534.
Rules are processed from the lowest to the highest number, and the first
match is applied to the traffic.
Rule Name An alphanumeric string that describes the content rewrite rule. The
maximum length is 128 characters.
Resource Mask The name of the application or resource to which the rule applies. The
maximum length is 300 characters.
You can use the following wildcards:
*—Matches everything. You cannot use this wildcard by itself. It
must accompany an alphanumeric string.
?—Matches any single character.
[!x-y]—Matches any character not in the sequence.
[x-y]—Matches any character in the sequence.