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Total Number of Wireless Clients = 2
Clients Waiting to Join = 0
Foreign Clients = 2
MTE Clients = 0
Mac Address VlanId IP Address Src If Auth Mob
-------------- ------ --------------- ------------------ -------- -------
b065.bdbf.77a3 702 0x00C33C0000000004 RUN FOREIGN
b065.bdb0.a1ad 702 0x00C33C0000000004 RUN FOREIGN
MC2#show wireless client mac b065.bdbf.77a3 detail
Client MAC Address : b065.bdbf.77a3
Client Username : blackbird
AP MAC Address : 8875.56da.2010
AP Name: 1042_G1/0/1_BD0C
Wireless LAN Id : 1
Wireless LAN Name: Predator
IPv4 Address :
Mobility State : Foreign
Mobility Anchor IP Address :
Mobility Move Count : 2
VLAN : 702
The next series of outputs are from the mobility controller of SPG1, MC1.
MC1#show wcdb database all
Total Number of Wireless Clients = 2
Clients Waiting to Join = 0
MTE Clients = 2
Mac Address VlanId IP Address Src If Auth Mob
-------------- ------ --------------- ------------------ -------- -------
b065.bdbf.77a3 0 0x00DAC94000000001 RUN MTE
b065.bdb0.a1ad 0 0x00DAC94000000001 RUN MTE
Nontunneled Roam in Converged Access
The L2 roam that behaves in a manner similar to the one in existing Cisco Unified Wireless Networks is explained
in this section. The administrator can span the client wireless VLAN across the access switches, where the
administrator wants to configure the nontunneled (nonsticky) mode. As explained earlier, in this mode, the L2 roam
also moves the PoP over to the PoA, and there is no client state held at the old switch where the client initially
joined. There is no back-haul of roamed traffic in this case. There is no concept of anchor and foreign in this case,
and both ACL and QoS are applied at the switch to where the client roamed.
To enable the nontunneled mode on the two mobility agent switches and one mobility controller switch, configure