
Configuring Transparent Bridging
Transparent and SRT Bridging Configuration Task List
Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide
Filtering by Protocol Type
You can filter by protocol type by using the access-list mechanism and specifying a protocol type code.
To filter by protocol type, perform the first task and one or more of the other tasks that follow:
Establish a protocol type access list
Filter Ethernet- and SNAP-encapsulated packets on input
Filter Ethernet- and SNAP-encapsulated packets on output
Filter IEEE 802.2-encapsulated packets on input
Filter IEEE 802.2-encapsulated packets on output
Note It is a good idea to have both input and output type code filtering on different interfaces.
The order in which you enter access-list commands affects the order in which the access conditions are
checked. Each condition is tested in succession. A matching condition is then used to execute a permit
or deny decision. If no conditions match, a “deny” decision is reached.
Note Protocol type access lists can have an impact on system performance; therefore, keep the
lists as short as possible and use wildcard bit masks whenever possible.
Access lists for Ethernet- and IEEE 802.2-encapsulated packets affect only bridging functions. It is not
possible to use such access lists to block frames with protocols that are being routed.
You can establish protocol type access lists. Specify either an Ethernet type code for
Ethernet-encapsulated packets or a DSAP/SSAP pair for 802.3 or 802.5-encapsulated packets. Ethernet
type codes are listed in the “Ethernet Type Codes” appendix of the Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM
Networking Command Reference, Volume I.
To establish protocol type access lists, use the following command in global configuration mode:
You can filter Ethernet- and SNAP-encapsulated packets on input. For SNAP-encapsulated frames, the
access list you create is applied against the two-byte TYPE field given after the DSAP/SSAP/OUI fields
in the frame. The access list is applied to all Ethernet and SNAP frames received on that interface prior
to the bridge learning process. SNAP frames also must pass any applicable IEEE 802.2 DSAP/SSAP
access lists.
You can also filter Ethernet- and SNAP-encapsulated packets on output. The access list you create is
applied just before sending out a frame to an interface.
Command Purpose
bridge-group bridge-group input-address-list
Assigns an access list to an interface for filtering by MAC source
bridge-group bridge-group
output-address-list access-list-number
Assigns an access list to an interface for filtering by the MAC
destination addresses.
Command Purpose
access-list access-list-number {permit |
deny} type-code wild-mask
Prepares access control information for filtering frames by protocol