Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.5 (SIP)
Chapter 6 Understanding the VoIP Wireless Network
Understanding WLAN Standards and Technologies
World Mode (802.11d)
If you are using the Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971 in the World Mode, you must enable World mode
(802.11d). The Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971 uses 802.11d to determine which channels and transmit
powers to use and inherits its client configuration from the associated access point.
Note Enabling World Mode (802.11d) may not be necessary if the frequency is 2.4GHz and the current access
point is transmitting on a channel 1-11.
As all countries support these frequencies, you can attempt to scan these channels regardless of
supporting World Mode (802.11d). For the countries which support 2.4GHz, refer to Cisco Unified IP
Phone 9971 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide.
Enable World Mode (802.11d) for the corresponding country where the access point is located. World
Mode is enabled automatically for the Cisco Unified Wireless LAN Controller.
World Mode must be enabled manually for Cisco Autonomous Access Points using the following
Interface dot11radio X
world-mode dot11d country US both
Supported Countries
The following countries are supported by the Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971:
Argentina (AR) India (IN) Poland (PL)
Australia (AU) Indonesia (ID) Portugal (PT)
Austria (AT) Ireland (IE) Puerto Rico (PR)
Belgium (BE) Israel (IL) Romania (RO)
Brazil (BR) Italy (IT) Russian Federation (RU)
Bulgaria (BG) Japan (JP) Saudi Arabia (SA)
Canada (CA) Korea (KR / KP) Singapore (SG)
Chile (CL) Latvia (LV) Slovakia (SK)
Colombia (CO) Liechtenstein (LI) Slovenia (SI)
Costa Rica (CR) Lithuania (LT) South Africa (ZA)
Cyprus (CY) Luxembourg (LU) Spain (ES)
Czech Republic (CZ) Malaysia (MY) Sweden (SE)
Denmark (DK) Malta (MT) Switzerland (CH)
Estonia (EE) Mexico (MX) Taiwan (TW)
Finland (FI) Monaco (MC) Thailand (TH)
France (FR) Netherlands (NL) Turkey (TR)
Germany (DE) New Zealand (NZ) Ukraine (UA)
Gibraltar (GI) Norway (NO) United Arab Emirates (AE)
Greece (GR) Oman (OM) United Kingdom (GB)
Hong Kong (HK) Panama (PA) United States (US)