Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 (SCCP and SIP)
Chapter 8 Viewing Model Information, Status, and Statistics on the Cisco Unified IP Phones
Status Menu
Trust List update failed Updating CTL and ITL files failed. Phone has CTL and ITL files installed and it failed to
update the new CTL and ITL files.
Possible reasons for failure:
• Network failure.
• TFTP server was down.
• The new security token used to sign CTL file and
the TFTP certificate used to sign ITL file are
introduced, but are not available in the current
CTL and ITL files in the phone.
• Internal phone failure.
Possible solutions:
• Check the network connectivity.
• Check if the TFTP server is active and
functioning normally.
• If the TVS server is supported on Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, check if the TVS
server is active and functioning normally.
• Verify if the security token and the TFTP server
are valid.
• Manually delete the CTL and ITL files if all the
above solutions fail, and reset the phone.
Trust List updated The CTL file, the ITL file, or both files
are updated.
None. This message is informational only.
For more information about the Trust List, see Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Security Guide.
No Trust List installed The CTL file or the ITL file is not
installed in the phone.
The Trust List is not configured on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, which does not support
security by default.
For more information about the Trust List, see Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Security Guide.
Ver si on er ro r The name of the phone load file is
Make sure that the phone load file has the correct
corresponding to the
phone device name
Name of the configuration file. None. This is an informational message indicating the
name of the configuration file for the phone.
Table 8-2 Status Messages on the Cisco Unified IP Phone (continued)
Message Description Possible Explanation and Action