40 OL-22332-01
Picking Up a Redirected Call on Your Phone
Call PickUp enables you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’s phone by redirecting the call
to your phone. You might use Call PickUp if you share call-handling tasks with coworkers.
Use Fast Dial 1. Create a Personal Address Book entry and assign a Fast Dials code. See
Using the Personal Directory on the Web, page 72.
2. To place a call, access the Fast Dial service on your phone. See Using
Personal Directory on Your Phone, page 66.
If you want to... Then...
Answer a call that is ringing on
another extension within your call
pickup group
1. Press the PickUp softkey or button. (You might have to go
off-hook to display the softkey.)
If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now
connected to the call.
2. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
Answer a call that is ringing on
another extension outside of your
call pickup group
1. Press the GPickUp softkey or the Group PickUp button.
(You might have to go off-hook to display the softkey.)
2. Enter the group pickup number.
If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now
connected to the call.
3. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
Answer a call that is ringing on
another extension in your group or
in an associated group
1. Press the OPickUp softkey or the Other PickUp button.
(You might have to go off-hook to display the softkey.)
If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now
connected to the call.
2. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
Answer a call that is ringing on a
particular extension (line number)
1. Press the GPickUp softkey or the Group PickUp button.
(You might have to go off-hook to display the softkey.)
2. Enter the line number with the call that you want to pick
up. For example, if the call that you want to pick up is
ringing on line 12345, enter 12345.
3. If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now
connected to the call.
4. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
If you want to... Then...