-62 OL-16993-01
Directory Dialing
Depending on configuration, your phone can provide corporate and personal directory features:
• Corporate Directory—Corporate contacts that you can access on your phone. Your system
administrator sets up and maintains your Corporate Directory.
• Personal Directory—If available, personal contacts and associated speed-dial codes that you can
configure and access from your phone and Cisco Unified CM User Options web pages. Personal
Directory is comprised of Personal Address Book (PAB) and Fast Dials:
PAB is a directory of your personal contacts.
Fast Dials allows you to assign codes to PAB entries for quick dialing.
Using Corporate Directory on Your Phone
You can use a corporate directory to place calls to coworkers.
Use the numbers on your keypad to enter characters on your phone screen. Use the Navigation button
on your phone to move between input fields.
If you want to... Then...
Dial from a corporate
directory (while not on
another call)
1. Choose > Corporate Directory (exact name can vary).
2. User your keypad to enter a full or partial name and press Search.
3. To dial, press the listing, or scroll to the listing and go off-hook.
Dial from a corporate
directory (while on
another call)
1. Choose > Corporate Directory (exact name can vary).
2. User your keypad to enter a full or partial name and press Search.
3. Scroll to a listing and press Dial.
4. Choose a menu item to handle the original call:
Hold—Puts the first call on hold and dials the second.
Transfer—Transfers the first party to the second and drops you
from the call. (Press Transfer again after dialing to complete the
Conference—Creates a conference call with all parties, including
you. (Press Confrn or Conference again after dialing to complete
the action.)
EndCall—Disconnects the first call and dials the second.
See if the phone line in
the directory is busy
Look for Busy Lamp Field (BLF) indicators. See Using BLF to Determine a
Line State, page 50.