32 OL-8163-01
• Calls must be on the same line before you can add them to a conference. If calls are on different
lines, transfer them to a single line before using Confrn or Join.
• Depending on how your phone is configured, if you leave a conference after creating it, the
conference might end. To avoid this, transfer the conference before hanging up.
See who started the
While viewing the conference list, locate the person listed at the
bottom of the list with an asterisk (*) next to the name.
Drop the last party added to
the conference
Press RmLstC.
You can remove participants only if you initiated the conference call.
Remove any conference
1. Highlight the participant’s name.
2. Press Remove.
You can remove participants only if you initiated the conference.
End your participation in a
Hang up or press EndCall.
If you want to... Then...