46 OL-8164-01
Directory Dialing
Depending on configuration, your phone can provide corporate and personal directory features:
• Corporate Directory—Corporate contacts that you can access on your phone. Corporate
Directory is set up and maintained by your system administrator.
• Personal Directory—If available, personal contacts and associated speed-dial codes that you can
configure and access from your phone and User Options web pages. Personal Directory is
comprised of Personal Address Book (PAB) and Fast Dials:
PAB is a directory of your personal contacts.
Fast Dials allows you to assign codes to PAB entries for quick dialing.
See if the line in the
call log is busy
before placing a
call to that line
Look for Busy Lamp field indicators. See the “Using BLF to Determine a Line
State” section on page 40.
Place a call from a
URL entry in a call
1. Choose > Missed Calls, Placed Calls, or Received Calls.
2. Highlight the URL entry you want to dial.
3. If you need to edit the entry, press EditDial.
The icon appears to indicate that you can begin editing characters in
the URL entry.
4. Press Dial.
If you want to... Then...