LEDs Provide call status indicators.
Call State Off—All LEDs off.
Powering On—Red LEDs on.
Ready—All LEDs off.
Dial Tone On—Green LEDs on.
Dialing—Green LEDs blinking.
Connected—Green LEDs on.
Mute—Red LEDs blinking.
Hold—Red LEDs on.
Incoming Call—Green LEDs blink with ring.
Ringing/Connecting—Green LEDs blinking.
LCD screen Provides a status indicator that reads “Press the Phone Key to get a dial
tone” when the IP Conference Station is online and fully operational. In
the resting display, the LCD screen shows the date and time, IP address,
and local phone number assigned to the IP Conference Station. It also
displays the IP Conference Station system status, including configuration
and all administrative settings. The LCD screen is backlit.
Scroll buttons Allow you to scroll through the menus or through an open list in the LCD
Select button Selects a menu option or list item that is highlighted.