
66 OL-23813-01
When you answer the call on your desk phone, the remote destinations stop ringing, are
disconnected, and display a missed call message.
When you answer the call on one remote destination, the other remote destinations and desk
phone stop ringing, are disconnected, and a missed call message is shown on the other remote
Related Topics
Create an Access List, page 85
Add a New Remote Destination, page 84
Turn On or Off Mobile Connect to All Your Remote Destinations From
Your Desk Phone
1. Press the Mobility button to display the current remote destination status (Enabled or Disabled).
2. Press the Select button to change the status.
3. Press the Exit softkey.
Related Topics
Add a New Remote Destination, page 84
Switch an In-Progress Call on Your Desk Phone to a Mobile Phone
1. Press the Mobility button.
2. Select Send call to mobile.
3. Answer the in-progress call on your mobile phone.
The desk phone line button turns red and handset icons and the calling party number appear on
the phone display. You cannot use the same phone line for any other calls, but if your desk phone
supports multiple lines, you can use another line to make or receive calls.
Switch an In-Progress Call From a Mobile Phone to Your Desk Phone
1. Select a line on your desk phone.
2. Hang up the call on your mobile phone to disconnect the mobile phone, but not the call.
3. Press the Resume softkey on your desk phone within five to 10 seconds and start talking on the
desk phone.