10 OL-20826-01
Line button Allows users to pick up a second incoming call and to resume a held
call. The LED shows call status.
Speakerphone button Selects the speakerphone as the default audio path and initiates a new
call, picks up an incoming call, or ends a call. During a call, the
button is lit green. The speakerphone audio path does not change
until a new default audio path is selected (for example, by picking up
the handset).
Keypad Allows you to dial phone numbers.
Mute button Toggles the microphone on or off. When the microphone is muted,
the button is lit red.
Volume button Controls the handset and speakerphone volume (off hook) and the
ringer volume (on hook).
Messages button Auto-dials your voice messaging system (varies by system).
Redial button Dials the last dialed number.
Feature button Depending on how your system administrator sets up the phone, the
feature button provides you access to Speed dialing, Call Forward
All, Pickup, Group Pickup and Meet Me features. Users can configure
up to nine items on the feature button. You can access each of these
features by pressing the feature button followed by the number
associated with the feature. You must press the number within five
seconds of pressing the feature button. The number can only be a
single digit number from 1–9.
You can access these features either off hook or on hook:
• Call Forward All—Allows you to forward a call.
• Pickup—Allows you to pickup a call on the third party phone.
• Group Pickup—Allows you pick up a call within a group.
• Meet Me—Allows you setup a conference.
Handset Phone handset.