
Appendix A Specifications
Catalyst 4500 Series Power Supplies
Catalyst 4500 Series Switches Installation Guide
Table A-14 shows the wattage output possible with the 4200W power supply in
redundant mode. In redundant mode, both power supplies must have identical
inputs and all inputs must be at the same voltage. If the input voltages are
mismatched, choose the value matching the weaker of the two power supplies.
Table A-15 shows the maximum output wattage with the 4200 W power supply in
combined mode.
Ta b l e A-14 Redundant Mode Output
12V 3.3V -50V Total
110 660 40 700 1050
110+110 or 220 1360 40 1850 2100
220+220 1360 40 3700 4200
Ta b l e A-15 Combined Mode Output
W @ 12 V W @3.3 V W @ -50 V Maximum (W)
Both sides at 110 1200 40 1320 1870
110+110, other side 110 1800 40 2000 2730
Both sides at 110+110 2200 40 3100 3800
Both sides at 220 2200 40 3100 3800
220+220, other side 220 2200 40 4700 5500
Both sides at 220+220 2200 40 6200 7600