Cisco Global Site Selector 4490 Hardware Installation Guide
How to Use This Guide
How to Use This Guide
This section describes the chapters and contents in this guide.
Chapter/Appendix Description
Chapter 1, Introduction Describes the physical properties and provides a
functional overview of the Cisco Global Site
Selector 4490.
Chapter 2, Preparing for
Describes safety considerations and gives an
overview of the installation and procedures you
should perform before the actual installation.
Chapter 3, Installing the
Cisco Global Site Selector
Describes how to install the hardware and connect
the external network interface cables.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting
the System Hardware
Describes troubleshooting procedures for the
hardware installation.
Chapter 5, Maintaining the
Cisco Global Site Selector
Contains the procedures for keeping your GSS
4490 in proper operating condition.
Appendix A, Specifications Lists the hardware specifications for the Cisco
Global Site Selector 4490.
Appendix B, Connecting a
Modem to the GSS 4490
Console Port
Provided information for configuring a dial-up
modem and connecting it to the console port on
the GSS 4490.
Appendix C, Regulatory
Compliance and EMI Class
A Warnings
Provides additional information on regulatory
compliance and safety pertaining to the Cisco
Global Site Selector 4490.