Cisco Video Surveillance 4300E and 4500E High-Definition IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Feature Setup Windows
If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save Settings button to save the changes.
If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. Save Settings appears
at the bottom of the window. You may need to scroll down to it.
Table 3-2 describes the options in the Streaming Settings window.
Ta b l e 3-2 Streaming Settings Window Options
Option Description
Current Channel Area
Channel Choose the video stream (Channel 1 or Channel 2) to which the
configuration settings in the Streaming Settings window apply. Channel 1 is
the primary stream and Channel 2 is the secondary stream.
Enable Channel Check this check box to cause the IP camera to send audio/video data on the
selected stream.
Note Channel 2 can be enabled only if Channel 1 is set to a video
resolution lower than 1920 x 1080.
Channel Name Name of the video stream.
The name can contain up to 16 characters, which can be letters, numbers, and
special characters, but no spaces. Special characters are:
! % ( ) + , - : = @ _ ~
Streaming Setup Area
Note Each video stream uses its own set of streaming options. The settings shown in the Streaming
Setup Area apply to the currently selected stream only.
Enable SRTP Check this check box to enable Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP),
which provides encryption for the audio/video stream from the IP camera.
RTSP Port Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port on which the IP camera receives
Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) commands. You must configure this
port if you want to allow third-party devices or software to access video
streams from the IP camera.
RTSP is a standard for connecting a client to control streaming data over the
Valid values are 554 and 1024 through 65535. The default port is 554.
Video Source Port Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) port on which the IP camera transmits
Video Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) data.
Valid values are even numbers 1024 through 65534. The default port is 1024.
Audio Source Port UDP port on which the IP camera transmits audio RTP data
Valid values even numbers 1024 through 65534. The default value is 1026.
Max RTP Packet Size Maximum number of bytes per data packets that are sent in each RTP
Configure a lower number if you are streaming video to a cell phone that
requires smaller data packets.
Valid values are 400 through 1400. The default value is 1400.