Pre-installation tasks 17
3. Verify that the IIS service is running. In a single-server or split-server configuration, you can run the system
using the local system account. In a collocated or distributed-server configuration, a domain account must be
Verifying directory names
To verify directory names:
Ensure that the names of your BEA, WebLogic, and JDK home directories do not contain any spaces.
Creating WebLogic domains
You need to create WebLogic domains for each application server in your configuration before starting the
installation program. The procedures for creating the WebLogic domain for the primary application server and
that for secondary application servers is different.
Creating a WebLogic domain for the primary application server
To create the WebLogic domain for the primary application server:
1. Go to Start > Programs > BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 > Configuration Wizard.
2. In the Create or Extend a Configuration window, select Create a new WebLogic configuration.
Choose to create a new WebLogic configuration