NOTE: If the appropriate image file already resides on your active fabric controller module, skip
this step and proceed to step 5.
5. Enter the install command with the image that you want to install.
NOTE: Before you install an image, verify that you have brought up all of the cards on the chassis
that you want to run the new image. Cards that run a different image from the chassis cannot pass
NOTE: Alert other users that you plan to install a new image to your Server Switch.
6. Enter the configure terminal command to enter Global Configuration mode.
7. Enter the boot-config command with
• the primary-boot-image keyword
• the directory of the installed image that you installed in step 5
to assign the image that you want both fabric controller modules to boot.
8. Enter the exit command to return to Privileged Execute mode.
9. Enter the reload command with the no-failover keyword to reboot your Topspin 270/Cisco SFS
7008 and upgrade your new fabric controller module.
SFS-270# copy ftp://bob:mypassword@
SFS-270# install image:OS-image-230.img
Proceed with install? [yes(default) | no]
SFS-270(config)# boot-config primary-image-source
SFS-270(config)# exit
SFS-270# reload no-failover