
Chapter 3: Configuring Your System
Linksys One Communications Solution
”Configuring Call Forward Options” section on page 84 and ”Defining System
Voicemail Boxes” section on page 80.
4. (Optional) Change the time for the nightly maintenance window in the Site > Settings
screen. Refer to ”Configuring Site Settings” section on page 32.
5. Set AutoAttendant Days and Hours in the Site > AA Days and Site > AA Hours screens.
Refer to ”Defining Auto Attendant Days” section on page 38 and ”Defining Auto
Attendant Hours” section on page 36.
6. Record AutoAttendant greetings (dial the AA Admin number, which, by default is 4x98,
where 4 is a steering digit and x is a number of zeroes (0s), depending on the site
mask). The AA Admin default password is the same as the AA Admin number.
7. Associate physical phones to users in the Users > Device Assignments screen (phones
are identified by MAC address). If users were pre-configured for this installation, this
step may not be required. Refer to ”Assigning Devices” section on page 64.
8. Continue with site-specific custom configuration. For example:
a. Configure FXO devices in the Install > FXO Devices screen. Refer to ”Configuring
FXO Devices” section on page 17.
b. Configure FXS devices (can be fax, phone or paging) in the Install > FXS Devices
screen. Refer to ”Configuring FXS Devices” section on page 19.
9. Create Admin accounts, as needed in the Accounts > Manage Admin Accounts screen.
Refer to ”Managing Admin Accounts” section on page 10.
10. Change system passwords, as needed in the Accounts > Manage System Passwords
screen. Refer to ”Managing System Passwords” section on page 11.