Release Notes for the Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040 for FSC, Cisco IOS Release 12.2(35)SE
Upgrading the Switch Software
Upgrading the Switch Software
These are the procedures for downloading software. Before downloading software, read this section for
important information:
• “Finding the Software Version and Feature Set” section on page 4
• “Deciding Which Files to Use” section on page 4
• “Upgrading a Switch by Using the Device Manager” section on page 5
• “Upgrading a Switch by Using the CLI” section on page 5
• “Recovering from a Software Failure” section on page 6
Finding the Software Version and Feature Set
The Cisco IOS image is stored as a bin file in a directory that is named with the Cisco IOS release.
A subdirectory contains the files needed for web management. The image is stored on the system board
flash device (flash:).
You can use the show version privileged EXEC command to see the software version that is running on
your switch. The second line of the display shows the version.
You can also use the dir filesystem: privileged EXEC command to see the directory names of other
software images that you might have stored in flash memory.
Deciding Which Files to Use
The upgrade procedures in these release notes describe how to perform the upgrade by using a combined
tar file. This file contains the Cisco IOS image file and the files needed for the embedded device manager.
You must use the combined tar file to upgrade the switch through the device manager. To upgrade the
switch through the CLI, use the tar file and the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command.
Table 3 lists the filenames for this software release.
Archiving Software Images
Before upgrading your switch software, make sure that you have archived copies of the current Cisco
IOS release and the Cisco IOS release to which you are upgrading. You should keep these archived
images until you have upgraded all devices in the network to the new Cisco IOS image and until you
have verified that the new Cisco IOS image works properly in your network.
Table 3 Cisco IOS Software Image Files
Filename Description
cbs40x0-lanbase-tar.122-35.SE.tar Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040 for FSC image file
and device manager files.
This image has Layer 2+ features.
cbs40x0-lanbasek9-tar.122-35.SE.tar Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040 for FSC
cryptographic image file and device manager files.
This image has the Kerberos and SSH features.