
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the Boot Process
Cisco 11500 Series Content Services Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Failure of the Disk Drive in the SCM
After the CSS confirms a valid configuration record, it initializes the disk in slot 0
in the CSS 11501 chassis or on the SCM in the CSS 11503 or CSS 11506. If the
disk cannot initialize, the CSS indicates that it has failed. If this occurs:
1. Enter the OffDM menu. For detailed information on using OffDM, refer to
Cisco Content Services Switch Administration Guide.
2. Select the disk options from the Advanced Options menu.
3. Perform a check disk on the disk in slot 0 and, if necessary, reformat the disk.
4. Reboot the CSS. If the failure is not resolved, obtain technical assistance.
CSS 11501 Boot and Verification
After the CSS 11501 completes the OffDM boot process, the CSS displays the
main banner and starts the Online Diagnostic Monitor (OnDM). During OnDM,
the CSS 11501 downloads software to each component and verifies that each
component is functioning.
If there is a failure on a component, the CSS 11501 attempts the boot process three
times. If the boot is unsuccessful, the CSS generates the following log message
and saves it in the boot.log file:
CHMGR: Slot slot/subslot had diagnostic failures - NOT STARTING UP
If this problem occurs for a CSS 11501, obtain technical assistance.
For information on log files, see Log File Information.