TN3270 Server Commands 47
show extended channel tn3270-server pu
Client’s IP address and TCP port number.
STATE lu-state The LU states and their meanings are:
• unknown—LU is in an undefined state.
• inactive—LU did not receive ACTLU.
• active—LU received ACTLU and acknowledged positively.
• p-sdt—LU is bound, but there is no SDT yet.
• act/sess—LU is bound and in session.
• p-actlu—Telnet connects and is awaiting ACTLU.
• p-ntf/av—Awaiting host notify-available response.
• p-ntf/ua—Awaiting host notify-unavailable response.
• p-reset—Waiting for a buffer to send DACTLU response.
• p-psid—Waiting for NMVT Reply psid response.
• p-bind—Waiting for host to send bind.
• p-unbind—Awaiting host unbind response.
• wt-unbnd—Waiting for client to acknowledge disconnection.
• wt-sdt—Waiting for client to acknowledge SDT.
MODEL model 3278 model type of client.
FRAMES IN number Number of frames sent to the host.
FRAMES OUT number Number of frames sent out from the host.
IDLE FOR time Time the client has been idle. The time is in HH:MM:SS.
Table 9 Show tn3270-server pu Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Description