Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Catalyst 8500 and LightStream 1010 Series
Related Documentation
Related Documentation
The following sections describe the documentation available for the Catalyst 8510 and the
LightStream 1010 ATM switch. Typically, these documents consist of hardware installation guides,
software installation guides, Cisco IOS configuration and command references, system error messages,
and feature modules, which are updates to the Cisco IOS documentation. Documentation is available as
printed manuals or electronic documents, except for feature modules, which are available online only.
The most up-to-date documentation can be found on the Web through Cisco.com and the Documentation
CD-ROM. These electronic documents might contain updates and modifications made after the
hard-copy documents were printed.
Table 6 lists hardware documentation you should reference before installing, cabling, or troubleshooting
the Catalyst 8500 MSR, Catalyst 8500 CSR, and LightSteam 1010 series switches.
Table 6 Catalyst 8500 and LightStream 1010 Hardware Related Documentation
Aus der Öffnung des optischen OC-3 Typ NI-2 Schnittstellenanschlusses kann unsichtbare
Laserstrahlung austreten, wenn kein Kabel angeschlossen ist. Kontakt mit Laserstrahlung
vermeiden und nicht in offene Öffnungen blicken.
Poiché quando nessun cavo è collegato alla porta dell'interfaccia ottica NI-2, del tipo OC-3, da
quest'ultima potrebbe essere emessa radiazione laser invisibile, evitare l'esposizione a tale
radiazione e non fissare con gli occhi porte a cui non siano collegati cavi.
Usynlige laserstråler kan sendes utfra åpningen til den optiskeOC-3 type NI-2grensesnittporten når
ingen kabel er tilkoblet. Unngå utsettelse for laserstråling og se ikke inn i åpninger som ikke er
Evite uma exposição à radiação laser e não olhe através de aberturas expostas, porque poderá
ocorrer emissão de radiação laser invisível a partir da abertura da porta de interface óptica OC-3
tipo NI-2, quando não estiver qualquer cabo conectado.
Cuando no esté conectado ningún cable, pueden emitirse radiaciones láser invisibles por el orificio
del puerto de interfaz óptica NI-2 de tipo OC-3. Evitar la exposición a radiaciones láser y no mirar
fijamente los orificios abiertos.
Osynliga laserstrålar kan sändas ut från öppningen i den OC-3 typ NI-2 optiska gränssnittsporten när
ingen kabel är ansluten. Undvik exponering för laserstrålning och titta inte in i ej täckta öppningar.
Document Title Description Order Number
Hardware Installation Guides:
• Catalyst 8540 Chassis Installation
• Hardware Installation Guide
Provides information specific to installing and cabling the
Catalyst 8500 series and LightStream 1010 ATM switch
ATM and Layer 3 Module Installation Guide Provides information about the hardware interface
modules that can be installed in the ATM and Layer 3