Q-Spot™ 160-LED User Manual Rev. 01b -11-
Continued from previous page
Movement Ranges
1) Go to Range.
2) Set the start point of the PAN movement.
a) Select P/Start.
b) Select a value (000~255).
c) Activate the new value.
3) Set the end of the PAN movement.
a) Select P/Finish.
b) Select a value (000~255).
c) Activate the new value.
4) Set the start point of the TILT movement.
a) Select T/Start.
b) Select a value (000~255).
c) Activate the new value.
5) Set the end of the TILT movement.
a) Select T/Finish.
b) Select a value (000~255).
c) Activate the new value.
6) Activate/disable the movement ranges.
a) Select Use.
b) Select
No (full range movement) or
Yes (limited range movements).
c) Activate the new setting.
1) Go to Invert.
2) Reverse the direction of the PAN movement (540º~0).
a) Select Pan.
b) Select No (0~540º) or Yes (540~0º).
c) Activate the new setting.
3) Reverse the direction of the TILT movement (270º~0).
a) Select Tilt.
b) Select
No (0~270º) or
Yes (270~0º).
c) Activate the new setting.
4) Change the way the COLOR wheel rotates.
a) Select Color.
b) Select
Step (the color wheel jumps from one color to the next) or
Linear (the color wheel rotates smoothly from one color to the next to allow for
rainbow effects).
c) Activate the new setting.
5) Activate/disable the movement modifications.
a) Select Use.
b) Select
No (use normal settings) or
Yes (use modified settings)
c) Press <ENTER> to activate the new setting.
Continues on the next page