
The table below shows the recording time in hours based on standardized general video signal.
There may be a difference depending on the contents of the video input, motion and noise level.
HDD: 250GB
Resolution: 360 x 240
Video: 16 Channels
Audio: 8KB sampling rate
(Unit: Hour)
HDD: 250GB
Resolution: 360 x 240
Video: 16 Channels
Audio: none
(Unit: Hour)
7F/1S 3F/1S 2F/1S 1F/1S 1F/2S 1F/3S 1F/4S 1F/5S 1F/8S 1F/16S
Q7 53 124 186 373 746 1119 1492 1865 2984 5968
Q6 58 136 203 407 814 1221 1628 2035 3255 6510
Q5 68 158 237 475 949 1424 1899 2374 3798 7595
Q4 78 181 271 543 1085 1628 2170 2713 4340 8681
Q3 102 237 356 712 1424 2136 2848 3560 5697 11393
Q2 121 283 424 848 1695 2543 3391 4239 6782 13563
Q1 203 475 712 1424 2848 4272 5697 7121 11393 22786
7F/1S 3F/1S 2F/1S 1F/1S 1F/2S 1F/3S 1F/4S 1F/5S 1F/8S 1F/16S
Q7 48 113 170 339 678 1017 1356 1695 2713 5425
Q6 58 136 203 407 814 1221 1628 2035 3255 6510
Q5 63 147 220 441 882 1322 1763 2204 3526 7053
Q4 73 170 254 509 1017 1526 2035 2543 4069 8138
Q3 97 226 339 678 1356 2035 2713 3391 5425 10851
Q2 116 271 407 814 1628 2441 3255 4069 6510 13021
Q1 194 452 678 1356 2713 4069 5425 6782 10851 21701