
Recording Time
The table below shows the recording time in hours based on standardized general video signal.
There may be a difference depending on the contents of the video input, motion and noise level.
HDD: 250GB
Resolution: 720 x 240
Video: 16 Channels
Audio: 8KB sampling rate
(Unit: Hour)
HDD: 250GB
Resolution: 720 x 240
Video: 9 Channels
Audio: 8KB sampling rate
(Unit: Hour)
6F/1S 3F/1S 2F/1S 1F/1S 1F/2S 1F/3S 1F/4S 1F/5S 1F/6S 1F/8S
Q7 60 121 181 362 723 1085 1447 1808 2170 2894
Q6 70 141 211 422 844 1266 1688 2110 2532 3376
Q5 80 161 241 482 965 1447 1929 2411 2894 3858
Q4 90 181 271 543 1085 1628 2170 2713 3255 4340
Q3 121 241 362 723 1447 2170 2894 3617 4340 5787
Q2 171 342 512 1025 2050 3074 4099 5124 6149 8198
Q1 241 482 723 1447 2894 4340 5787 7234 8681 11574
3F/1S 2F/1S 1F/1S 1F/2S 1F/3S 1F/4S 1F/5S 1F/6S 1F/8S 1F/16S
Q7 68 102 203 407 610 814 1017 1221 1628 3255
Q6 79 119 237 475 712 949 1187 1424 1899 3798
Q5 90 136 271 543 814 1085 1356 1628 2170 4340
Q4 102 153 305 610 916 1221 1526 1831 2441 4883
Q3 136 203 407 814 1221 1628 2035 2441 3255 6510
Q2 192 288 576 1153 1729 2306 2882 3459 4612 9223
Q1 271 407 814 1628 2441 3255 4069 4883 6510 13021
Appendix C