OS 1.0
Menu Screen (continued)
How to change setting
Tire size setting A or B - Chooses your bike, A or B.
• Press SELECT/MODE button to select A or B.
• Press ENTER/START/STOP to decide.
SIZE --- Changes the figure of the tire sizes A and B.
“EASY” setting: inputs the figure by the inch size 14
inch - 27 inch;
“CUSTOM” setting: inputs the figure by millimeters 10 -
Function customizing Select your favorite functions with SELECT/MODE button. Press
SELECT/MODE button again to clear the selection. If you don’t
select anything, Total Distance is automatically selected.
If you want to select all the functions, choose "SELECT ALL". To
complete the function customizing, navigate to "FINISHED" and
press ENTER/START/STOP button.
Personal distance
You can keep on accumulating the total distance continuously from your pre-
vious cyclocomputer. Up to six digits can be input.
• Input the figure for the first digit using SELECT/MODE button.
• Press ENTER/START/STOP button and the digit moves to the next digit.
• When you reach the last digit (sixth digit), press ENTER/START/STOP but-
ton, and personal distance input is completed.
Personal data
Input your name first.
• Navigate the alphabet by pressing SELECT/MODE button. Characters A-Z,
a-z, 0-9, including punctuation marks, a space and .
• Press ENTER/START/STOP button to select a specific character. Then it
moves to the next letter.
• When you have completed selecting all the digits you want, navigate to the
character and press ENTER/START/STOP button. The birthday input
screen now appears.
Input your birthday month and day (mm/dd).