
Getting Started
Besides cut off, round off and round up, you can also specify special rounding for subtotals and totals
or changes. Special rounding converts the right-most digit(s) of an amount to 0 or 5 to comply with
the requirements of certain areas.
1 Special Rounding 1
Last (right-most) digit Rounding result Examples:
0 ~ 2 2 0 1.21 1.20
3 ~ 7 2 5 1.26 1.25
8 ~ 9 2 10 1.28 1.30
2 Special Rounding 2
Last (right-most) digit Rounding result Examples:
0 ~ 4 2 0 1.12 1.10
5 ~ 9 2 10 1.55 1.60
3 Special Rounding 3
Last (right-most) digits Rounding result Examples:
00 ~ 24 2 0 1.24 1.00
25 ~ 74 2 50 1.52 1.50
75 ~ 99 2 100 1.77 2.00
4 Special Rounding 4 (Danish Rounding)
With Danish rounding, the rounding method applies to subtotals depends on whether you
finalize the transaction by inputting an amount tendered or not.
When a finalization is performed without When a finalization is performed with
an amount tendered entry an amount tendered entry
Last (right-most) 2 digits Last (right-most) 2 digits
Rounding result Rounding result
of subtotal of change due
00 ~ 12 2 00 00 ~ 12 2 00
13 ~ 37 2 25 13 ~ 37 2 25
38 ~ 62 2 50 38 ~ 62 2 50
63 ~ 87 2 75 63 ~ 87 2 75
88 ~ 99 2 100 88 ~ 99 2 100
5 Special Rounding 5 (Australian Rounding)
Last (right-most) digit Rounding result Examples:
0 ~ 2 2 0 1.21 1.20
3 ~ 7 2 5 1.26 1.25
8 ~ 9 2 10 1.28 1.30
Partial tenders (payments): for Danish Rounding
No rounding is performed for the amount of tendered nor for the change amount due when the customer makes a partial
tender. When a partial tender results in a remaining balance within the range of 1 through 12, the transaction is finalized
as if there was no remaining balance.
Display and printing of subtotals: for Danish and Australian Rounding
When you press the s key, the unrounded subtotal is printed and shown on the display. If the cash register is also set
up to apply an add-on tax rate, the add-on tax amount is also included in the subtotal that is printed and displayed.
When you are using Danish rounding, you can use the a key to register tendered amount
in which the last (right-most) digits are 00, 25, 50 or 75. This restriction does not apply to the
h and k keys.
11. About special rounding