k Using 123 (Numbers) Text Input
To type numbers using one keystroke per number:
1. Press the Left Soft Key L, select 123, then
press the Center Select Key c [OK].
2. Press 5551212.
“5551212” is displayed.
k Using Symbol Text Input
There are 36 special characters including “SP” which
inserts a space and “LF” which moves the text to the
next line.
To insert special characters or punctuation:
1. Press the Left Soft Key L, select Symbols, then
press the Center Select Key c [OK].
2. Press the Right Soft Key R [Next] to view the
next 12 symbols or Left Soft Key L [Prev] to
view the previous 12 symbols.
3. Press the Directional Key a up, down, left or
right to highlight the special character you want
to insert, then press the Center Select Key c
[OK] to select it.
4. Press the Left Soft Key L to return to another
text mode.