
Chapter 2: Main Application 62
u toFrac [Action][Transformation][Fraction][toFrac]
Function: Transforms a decimal value into its equivalent fraction value.
Syntax: toFrac (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]
Example: To transform 5.28 into its equivalent fraction value
u propFrac [Action][Transformation][Fraction][propFrac]
Function: Transforms a decimal value into its equivalent proper fraction value.
Syntax: propFrac (Exp/Eq/Ineq/List/Mat [ ) ]
Example: To transform 1.2 into its equivalent proper fraction value
u dms [Action][Transformation][DMS][dms]
Function: Transforms a DMS format value into its equivalent degrees-only
Syntax: dms (Exp/List-1 [,Exp/List-2][,Exp/List-3] [ ) ]
Example: To transform 3° 5’ 6” into its equivalent degrees-only value
• Zero is the default when you omit [,Exp/List-2] or [,Exp/List-3][ ) ].
Tip: You can input 3° 5’ 6” using the / key on the soft keyboard.
/e 3 e 5 e 6 E
u toDMS [Action][Transformation][DMS][toDMS]
Function: Transforms a degrees-only value into its equivalent DMS format value.
Syntax: toDMS (Exp/List [ ) ]
Example: To transform 3.085 degrees into its equivalent DMS format value
Using the Advanced Submenu
u solve [Action][Advanced][solve]
For information about solve, see page 79.
u dSolve [Action][Advanced][dSolve]
For information about dSolve, see page 80.
u taylor [Action][Advanced][taylor]
Function: Finds a Taylor polynomial for an expression with respect to a specific variable.
Syntax: taylor (Exp/List, variable, order [,center point] [
Example: To find a 5th order Taylor polynomial for sin(x) with respect to x = 0
(in the Radian mode)
• Zero is the default when you omit “[,center point]”.
u laplace [Action][Advanced][laplace], invLaplace [Action][Advanced][invLaplace]
Function: “laplace” is the command for the Laplace transform, and
“invLaplace” is the command for the inverse of Laplace transform.
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