
This section is an overview of the STAT Icon; it will highlight just a few of the features for
single-variable data and paired-variable data. To select this icon, you may highlight it and
press l or press 2.
The initial List Editor Screen allows input of statistical data and performs numerous statistical
calculations. To input a list of single-variable data, highlight the rst cell under List 1 and enter
each number followed by l.
1. For this example, input this set of data:
2. From this screen, you can display various statistical graphs depending on whether you have
single or paired-variable data (scatter-plot, line, normal probability, histogram, median box,
mean box, normal distribution, broken line, and regression: linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic,
logarithmic, exponential, power, sinusoidal and logistic).
3. The initial default graph is a scatter-plot. To change the type of graph you would like to use,
press q (GRPH), then u (SET), N to Graph Type:, for this set of data, we will make a
histogram, press u, and then q for histogram.
Getting Started with the fx-9750GII