7. Preparing the machine
7.1 Before First Use
a. After unpacking clean all
loose parts with warm water
and make yourself familiar with
the different functions.
b. After reading the instructions,
brew 3 cups of water to clean
all internal parts and to activate
the charcoal filter.
7.2 The Display
When you plug in the coffee
maker, the LCD displays AM and a
flashing “12:00.” The “Grind
Amount Indicator” (G1) shows the
number “10” bold and the num-
bers 2, 4, 6, 8 outlined. The
“Strength Indicator” (G3) shows
three cups, one outlined on the left
(stands for mild), one shaded in
the middle (stands for regular), and
one black on the right (stands for
strong). The saucer sits under the
middle cup (regular). The green
filter light is illuminated (G7). This
is the factory setting.
7.3 Setting The Time
Push and hold the "h"-button (G8)
to set the hour. Then push and
hold the "m"-button (G9) to set the
minutes. Now the time is set. To
change the actual time, repeat
above steps.
7.4 Grinder Setting for Current Use
a. Push and hold the "2-10" button
(G11). The bold number in the
Grind Amount Indicator (G1) will
change. When the desired num-
ber is bold, release the button.
b. Push and hold the "strength"
button (G12). The saucer will
jump from cup to cup. When
saucer sits under the desired
cup, release the button.
c. To change any of these settings,
repeat above steps.
7.5 Programming The Timer And
Grinder For Later Use
To program the grinder and coffee
maker to start automatically at a
pre-set time proceed as follows:
a. Make sure the current time is set.