Introduction 17
Selecting the Video Quality (Recording Mode)
The camcorder offers 5 recording modes. Changing the recording
mode will change the recording time available on the memory. Select
MXP or FXP mode for better movie quality; select LP mode for longer
recording times. The following table gives approximate recording
Standard Play 7 Mbps] Desired recording mode
• AVCHD discs containing scenes recorded in MXP mode cannot be cre-
ated with the optional DW-100 DVD Burner. Use the software on the
supplied Video Tools CD-ROM to back up such scenes.
• The camcorder uses a variable bit rate (VBR) to encode video so the
actual recording times will vary depending on the content of the scenes.
• The camcorder retains the last setting used even if you set the cam-
corder to mode.
Operating modes:
Brackets [ ] are used to refer to
menu options as they are
displayed on screen.
indicates that a function is available in the operating mode indicated and
indicates that the function is not available. For a detailed explanation
refer to Operating Modes (34).
The arrow is used to abbreviate menu selections. For a detailed
explanation on how to use the menus, refer to Using the Menus
( 36). For a concise summary of all available menu options and
settings, refer to the appendix Menu Options Lists ( 137).
The names of most buttons and
switches are indicated within a
“button” frame.
For example .