Canceling receiving
Telstra FaxStream™ Duet (Australia only)
Telstra offers the FaxStream™ Duet capability. If you subscribe to this service, your line is
assigned two numbers: one for fax and one for phone. When the fax number is called, the
network sends a specific ringing tone which your fax recognizes and automatically handles as a
fax call. If the phone number is called, a different ringing tone is sent out from the network so
that the call is handled as a voice call. This means that there is no switching delay at the other
party’s end.
Contact Telstra for connection information.
Setting the fax for network switch ____________
• When the fax number is called, you will hear a triple-ring* ringing tone.
• When the telephone number is called, you will hear a ringing tone other than the triple-ring
ringing tone. The ringing tone depends on your switchboard.
* Three short rings (short-short-short) at regular intervals.
Operation for network switch system _________
The procedures for using the network switch system are almost the same as when using the fax
over a normal telephone line. When you receive calls, however, the fax will respond slightly
differently as described below.
When you hear the telephone call ring pattern:
Pick up the handset and talk normally. If you hear a slow beep, it means the call is from a fax
machine trying to send a document. Press [Start/Copy] to receive the document. If you do not
pick up the handset, the fax continues to ring until the other party hangs up. If an answering
machine is connected**, it takes over the call.
**FAX-B820/B822 only.
When you hear the fax call ring pattern (triple ring):
After the fax rings, it receives the document automatically.
Press [Stop].
Press [Receive Mode] to select NET SWITCH.
See Setting the receive mode, p. 6-2.
Press [Start/Copy].
The fax returns to standby mode.