
Operating instructions continued
Decode modes - 5.1 speaker setup
Key (all tables)
5.1< Indicates a 5.1 decode of 6.1 or 7.1 material (phantom back
>5.1 Indicates a 5.1 output created by a 2.0 decode post processed to
>7.1 Indicates 7.1 output created by a 2.0 or 5.1 decode, post-
processed to 7.1.
# 7.1 Upmix of 5.1 material, Left and Right Surrounds mixed to both
Left and Right Surrounds and Left and Right Rear Surrounds.
% 7.1 ‘upmix’ of 6.1 material. Center back surround channel played
back via two mono rear surrounds. Acoustically this is actually a
native format presentation.
" Stereo or Stereo + Sub, Press Stereo Modes Button to change.
! Digital Signal Processing created modes for signals with no encoding.
$ Available via HDMI inputs only.
In all cases, pressing the Stereo Modes button always cycles round:
Stereo Modes Output channels
Stereo 2
Stereo + Sub 2.1
Either native Stereo or downmix of DD/DTS 5.1/6.1/7.1 etc.
Pressing a mode button will first cause the 551R to scroll the
current decode mode across the front panel display. Pressing the
mode button again whilst text is scrolling on the display or within 4
seconds of it finishing will select and display the next available
Incoming Native Modes available Output
audio channel channels
format resolution
PCM 2 PCM 2 "
PCM + PLII Movie >5.1
PCM + PLII Music >5.1
PCM + PLII Game >5.1
PCM + Neo:6 Cinema >5.1
PCM + Neo:6 Music >5.1
Movie >5.1 !
Music >5.1 !
Room >5.1 !
Theatre >5.1 !
Hall >5.1 !
Dolby Digital (2/0) 2 Dolby Digital (2/0) 2
Dolby Digital (2/0) + PLII Movie >5.1
Dolby Digital (2/0) + PLII Music >5.1
Dolby Digital (2/0) + PLII Game >5.1
Dolby Digital 5.1 Dolby Digital (3/2).1 5.1
Dolby Digital EX 6.1 Dolby Digital EX (3/3).1 5.1<
DTS (2/0) 2 DTS (2/0) 2
DTS 5.1 DTS (3/2).1 5.1
DTS ES Matrix 6.1 DTS ES Matrix (3/3).1 5.1<
DTS ES Discrete 6.1 DTS ES Discrete (3/3).1 5.1<
DTS 96/24 5.1 DTS 96/24 5.1
Multi Channel PCM 5.1 $ Multi PCM (3/2).1 5.1
Multi Channel PCM 7.1 $ Multi PCM (3/4).1 5.1<
Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 $ Dolby Digital Plus (3/2).1 5.1
Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 $ Dolby Digital Plus (3/4).1 5.1<
Dolby True HD 5.1 $ Dolby True HD (3/2).1 5.1 &
Dolby True HD 7.1 $ Dolby True HD (3/4).1 5.1< &
DTS HD High Resolution 5.1 $ DTS-HD HR (3/2).1 5.1
DTS HD High Resolution 7.1 $ DTS-HD HR (3/4).1 5.1<
DTS Master Audio 5.1 $ DTS-HD MA (3/2).1 5.1 &
DTS Master Audio 7.1 $ DTS-HD MA (3/4).1 5.1< &
& Lossless encoded format.
Note: Bold entries are being output in their native resolution/format.