User’s Guide
Your user name is listed at the top of this window. Below it is a pull-down list of all voice mailboxes to
which you have access. For most people, this will be a list with only one entry, so clicking on it will not actu-
ally bring up any more entries.
Setting message, pager, and email parameters
At the bottom of the Voice Mail page, you can set whether you want a voice announced time and date at the
beginning of each voice mail message, or if you want the caller ID announced at the beginning of each mes-
sage, or both. See Figure 6-5 above. Select Announce Time of Day (on or off) and Announce Caller ID (on
or off). Then click on Change Voice Mail Settings to submit it to the NexPath Telephony Server. A confir-
mation box will appear to ask if you are sure, and the voice mail window will refresh if the submit was suc-
cessful. Note that the voice announcements are recorded as part of the message, so the settings only take
affect on future voice mail messages.
Similarly, your numeric pager settings can be changed. In addition to the pager number, you can set the sep-
arator character and a pager delay for fine tuning the interface to a paging service. The separator character
defaults to a ‘*’, and is displayed as a ‘-’ on most pocket pagers. This assists in readability, to separate the
caller ID from the voice mail box number, and the number of unread messages currently in the mail box.
You can change this to ‘none’, or ‘#’.
Note The Nexpath system in the current software release does not support pagers that have a voice menu and
require additional digits to be entered to select numeric paging, or require PIN numbers to be entered.
The pager delay is the number of seconds of delay before sending tone information after connecting to the
pager service. Some pager services are not prepared to accept the touch tones (DTMF tones) as soon as a
connection is made. It may be necessary to use this delay to make the paging work properly.
When the pager entry is blank or ‘none’, numeric paging is disabled.
Note Pager services are notoriously unreliable, due to both equipment variations on receiving paging
requests, and antenna coverage and blackouts when inside buildings, etc. You may find that
occasionally paging requests are sent by the NexPath Telephony Server, but not successfully delivered
to your pager. Some voice mail systems automatically send three requests, to be sure of delivery. The
NexPath system does not do this at present, but it is under consideration.
user.bk Page 118 Wednesday, March 7, 2001 10:34 AM