The Bushnell BTR-Mil™ Ballistic Tactical Reticle is a hashmarked reticle that uses mrad based
subtension lines for ranging, holdover and windage corrections. The illuminated 1 mil diameter
circle with .1 mil center dot provides an unobstructed view of the target with 10 illumination
In order to facilitate accurate holdover and windage compensation, this reticle uses hash
marks spaced in 1 mil increments with .5 mil graduations. It provides a total of 10 mils of
holdover below the center dot on the vertical crosshair and a total of 10 mils of subtension
lines on the horizontal crosshair. There are also more precise subtensions of .2 mils on the
last mil hash on both outer ends of the horizontal crosshair and on the bottom of the vertical
crosshair. The BTR-Mil reticle features an illuminated center dot that spans approximately .1
mil and marks the imaginary intersection of the horizontal and vertical stadia lines. This dot
is enclosed by an illuminated ring that subtends 1 mil. The thickness of this illuminated ring
is .14 mils.
Because the BTR-Mil reticle is positioned in the first focal plane (FFP), reticle measurements
can be used with the scope set at any magnification.
To increase the brightness of the illuminated ring, set the brightness adjustment control
(located near the eyepiece-see pg. 5) to a higher number (opposite the white index dot). To turn
off the illumination and when storing the scope, set the dial to”OFF” To replace the battery,
remove the cap on the brightness adjustment control knob using a coin, and insert a CR2032
battery with the “+” mark facing up (pg. 19, Fig. 2).