End & Save Trail
(only available after a New Trail has been
started): select this when you reach the end of a new trail, saving it
in memory for later recall. You will have the option of naming the
trail so it is easy to find in your “My Trails” list. Note: this option will
only be
seen if you are already actively navigating a trail you
• My Routes (same 5 options as listed above for “My Trails”)-a Route
is the most direct or shortest path between two points. “Routes” are
more often used for water based navigation (due to the reduced
number of natural obstacles), whereas “trails” are more useful on
• My Photos -you have the options here to navigate towards a
stored satellite photo or topo map, and to manage them (photos &
maps are downloaded, not user created).
• My Map Areas - options here to navigate towards a previously
created map area, and to manage them.
SafeTrack™ Battery Conservation Mode
SafeTrack is a Bushnell exclusive feature that extends and conserves
battery power, without the wait to re-establish GPS satellite contact after
a full power down. When you are in SafeTrack mode, the display screen will
shut off, and the status LED will blink green. Intermittent satellite contact
is maintained, so you will quickly be able to check your current location
or progress. To enter SafeTrack mode, press and hold the HOT button. You
will see the SafeTrack screen (Fig. 48), with a count down delay (time can
be adjusted in the Set Page Menu) before the unit enters SafeTrack mode.
If you accidently hold the HOT button down, select “Cancel” and press
OK. If you do not cancel, at the end of the countdown, the unit will be
in SafeTrack mode. The display will black out, and you will no longer be
able to receive streaming XM radio, sports updates, or other continuous
signals. The ONIX will automatically make GPS satellite contact every 5
minutes (default, can be changed in SafeTrack Options menu), which
extends battery life significantly while still allowing you to instantly get
a fix on your location and resume navigation when you exit SafeTrack
Note: XM Satellite “Auto Update” mode can be used at the same time as
SafeTrack, to limit XM reception to intermittent weather info updates,
resulting in even greater battery life extension. The GPS and XM
satellite receivers in the ONIX400 are independent of each other.
Fig 48.
Fig 49.
(select “Options”
from SafeTrack