The SAT Page (Fig. 25)
As seen earlier in “Getting Started”, the SAT page view is used to identify the
quality or strength of the satellite signals being received by the unit. The Info
Boxes on the bottom of the satellite page are used to identify your location,
shown as Location (latitude, longitude) and Altitude (above sea level). The
items displayed on the satellite page view are fixed, and cannot be changed
by the user, so there is are no options or settings menus for this page.
The SET Page
The SET page user options (Fig. 26) include all the following:
• User Profile (Fig. 27)-select to customize and set various display options.
You can save different sets of screen configurations that are best suited to
your different activities.
To save a profile, select an activity from the list (hiking/camping, etc), then
press the right arrow to save your current display configuration under that
name. The checkmark indicates the current active profile. One “custom” user
profile may bet setup and selected in addition to the other five pre-named
profiles for common activities (Hiking/Camping, Hunting, Inland Boating,
Ocean Boating, Geocaching, Custom). You may also choose to “Reset to
default” instead of saving your current settings as one of the
restores the original factory default screen configuration (display options
for all pages).
• GPS-press the right button and select GPS satellite reception “ON” to for
normal GPS operation, select “OFF” to conserve battery life if you are not going
to be navigating and only want to use the XM weather or entertainment
services, or while you are getting more familiar with your ONIX indoors
where GPS reception is not possible. Two other options are available:
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)- turning WAAS on will provide
slightly better GPS accuracy in the United States. As this can decrease
battery life, you may want to keep it turned off for most normal navigation
Cold Start Receiver-press OK to re-activate GPS satellite reception (“cold
start”). This will force the ONIX to clear the satellite “almanac” information,
which is stored automatically during the first power-on to speed up the
process of choosing the best GPS satellites for your usual starting area.
If this almanac data is no longer valid, it will cause longer startup times.
Enabling a cold start is recommended if you have re-located to a new
area that is over 300 miles away from your last power-on position. Note
that this will only take effect the next time the unit is powered on-there is
no advantage or reason to force a cold start if the unit has already locked
onto satellites in a reasonable amount of time, and are still within about a
300-mile radius of the location where you first powered up the ONIX.
• Compass-options to select your preferred navigation display units (Degrees,
Cardinal Letter, or Mils) and North Reference (True or Magnetic).
Fig 25.
SAT Page
Fig 26.
SET Page
Options List
Fig 27.
SET Page
User Profiles