After recording at least one trip, connecting the D-Tour to your computer will
enable you to see the path you took on any of 4 types of map, view a trip data
graph, and share your trip via email or social media. To get the software:
• Go to http://backtrackdtour.com/ and follow the directions to create an
account (free) and register your D-Tour, and download the software app (Fig.
15, next pg.). Your account provides online backup for all your trip data. (Serial
number is inside the battery compartment-(Fig. 14). After registering, you’ll be
taken to a screen to download the D-Tour application (Fig. 16) (Adobe Air® is
required-it will be installed automatically if you do not already have it on your
computer). Click “Download Now”, then select “Open”. A link to download the
software will also be provided in your confirmation email. Turn on the D-Tour
and connect its USB port to your computer with the supplied USB cable. On
Windows® PCs, the app should open automatically (if not, click the desktop
icon (Fig. 17).
Fig. 15
Fig. 17
Fig. 16
Fig. 14