right portion of the LCD. To select your preference for the distance units, start with the HYBRID powered off. While
looking through the eyepiece, press and hold the FIRE button down for at least 5 seconds. During this time all liquid
crystal segments and icons will be displayed. After approximately 5 seconds elapse, you will see the unit indicators on
the display begin to alternate between Yards and Meters. To set it to your preference, simply wait to release the FIRE
button when only the “Y” or “M” is visible. The device will always return to your last setting for the ranging units, so it will
not be necessary to reset this before each use.
Crosshairs surrounding the aiming circle indicate that the laser is being transmitted. Once
a range has been acquired, you can release the FIRE button. The crosshairs surrounding
the circle will disappear once the FIRE button has been released (i.e. the laser is no longer
being transmitted).
Ever have trouble getting distance to the flag? This advanced feature allows easy
acquisition of the flag without inadvertently getting distances to background targets (i.e.
trees) that have stronger signal strength. Simply align the aiming circle reticle onto the
flag that you want distance to. Next, press and hold the FIRE button and move the laser
slowly over the flag or desired object until a circle surrounds the flag indicator. If the laser
beam recognized more than one object (i.e. flag and background trees), distance of the
flag will be displayed and a circle will surround the PinSeeker indicator informing the user
that distance to the flag (i.e. closer object) is being displayed in the LCD (as seen below).
There may be times when only the laser beam only sees one object in its path. In this case,
the distance will be displayed, but because more than one object was not acquired, a
circle will not surround the flag indicator.
TIP: While pressing the FIRE button, you can move the device slowly from object
201951+201951EU Hybrid_5LIM_rev102312_Geodis repack version.indd 10 10/25/12 4:44 PM