IMPORTANT NOTE-PLEASE READ: Within 45 days of purchase, go to iGolf.com to register your
Hybrid, which will update the preloaded GPS course data and load any new courses that have been recently
added to the iGolf database. Registration is free and will only take a few minutes. For additional information
on registering your Hybrid please refer to “ Setting up your iGolf.com account” on page 13 for details.
The time proven Bushnell laser ranging technology that the pros rely on will always give you the most
precise, exact distance with one yard accuracy to any object you target.
There are times on the course when you don’t have “line of sight” to the target-maybe you’re hitting out
from behind the trees where you just need the front, center, back distances. Or if you’re playing a course
that’s “carts on path only” -checking the GPS display can help you select your club in advance and save
you a trip back to the cart!
When seasoned pros, amateurs, or collegiate players, play golf, they always want to know the front and
back distances to the green, not just the exact distance to the flag. Using the GPS front/center/back data
along with the precise distance to the flag will provide the player with the vital information needed to plan
their approach strategically, without going long or coming up short. Save strokes and know how far you
need to carry the ball to miss that water guarding the green.
The Hybrid’s “Shot Distance” GPS feature makes it extremely easy to gauge how far a drive/approach
shot was hit, and the user can set up to four custom points that can be very helpful as a reference on blind
tee shots or approaches when returning to play a course.