119833—Digital Trail Scout 3.0MP
Great images and scouting technology at a great value. is camera will sense deer and other
game as far out as 45 feet with its passive infrared sensor. Low-battery indicator lights when
battery life drops below 25%. Motion LED lights when activity is detected by the sensor in regular
imaging mode and during setup mode for aiming. Weatherproof. Date/Time/Moon Phase
stamp feature. Comes complete with aircra aluminum security cable, padlock, and tree bracket.
Textured “bark-like” surface for maximum concealment.
119935/119905 (RealTree AP® Camo)—Digital Trail Scout 5.0MP with Night Vision
With all the features of the 3.0MP Trail Scout plus Night Vision and more, this is the top of
the line digital trail camera. Still photos are captured with 5 megapixel resolution (via soware
processing), and the video clips include audio collected by a built-in microphone. Choose your
setting for regular camera ash or stealth-like LED ash. LED ash enables you to discretely
image game in the night without a visible ash. ere is no need to worry about your ash giving
away your position in popular, busy hunting areas. And no need to manually set an infrared lter
switch for day or night mode to get great results-it’s done for you automatically. is camera even
includes a laser aiming feature for easy set up in the woods.