
UsInG The DRYInG MoDe fUncTIon
IMPORTANT: The Drying Mode function should only be used to remove
possible minor residual moisture. DO NOT use the Drying Mode to dry
a soaking wet FILTER, as this may damage the unit.
With the unit off and a clean FILTER in the unit, press and hold the FAN
SPEED and TIMER buttons for 3 seconds. The unit will run the Fans on the
Turbo setting with no electrical charge for 40 minutes. The Turbo Fan Speed
LED will blink during the Drying Mode.
After 40 minutes have passed, the unit will exit out of the Drying Mode and
will turn off.
Note: To exit out of the Drying Mode before 40 minutes have passed,
press the POWER button. The Drying Mode will be stopped and the
unit will turn off.