Base Installation
Base Installation
Lap-Shoulder Belt Installation
• Figure A illustrates a typical rear facing lap-
shoulder belt installation.
• If attached, remove restraint before
installing base.
When not in use, always store the LATCH
connectors on storage ring at front of base.
1 Place the base in a rear facing position on
the vehicle seat with the anti-rebound
bar against the vehicle seat back.
2 Open lock-off by lifting both tabs, then
opening lock-off plate (Fig. B).
3 Pull to fully extend vehicle belt.
4 With shoulder and lap portion of vehicle
seat belt together, route under both belt
guides (Fig. C).
5 Verify that the vehicle belt is not twisted,
then buckle (Fig. D).
Adjust recline by turning knob on front
of base until correct angle is achieved.
• When correctly reclined, the red line on
base will be level with the ground.
• If there is a problem stabilizing the base,
place a rolled towel in the crease of the
vehicle seat to help level the base.
WARNING: Only raise base as described
above. Do not raise the base off of the
front edge of vehicle seat; doing so will
reduce the protection for your child.
7 Push the base firmly into the seat while
removing slack from the lap portion of
the vehicle belt, then the shoulder
portion (Fig. E).
8 Close lock-off plate over the vehicle belt,
then secure by closing both tabs while
pressing firmly on the lock-off plate
(Fig. F).
• Lock-off is properly secured when tabs are
flat against lock-off plate.
9 Verify that vehicle belt is tight and that
the base is stable.
BBaassee RReemmoovvaall::
Remove restraint, then open lock-off and
remove vehicle belt from belt guides.
P2314_R02.qxd 6/4/2004 11:14 AM Page 24