
Page 5
Ramp Components
Refer to the Terminology Illustra-
tions on pages 2 and 3.
Control Box (Electronic Con-
troller): The remote mounted
control box provides the logic to
manage the inputs in order to
produce the desired outputs in
terms of ramp function and per-
formance. In general terms the
control box is commonly referred
to as the “controller”.
Pan Weldment (Housing):
The pan is the aluminum (casing)
mounted in the vehicle oor sys-
tem which contains the electrical
components that power the ramp
electrical systems. The xed
sub-oor cover protects the com-
ponents from above. The cover
is easily removed for access to
drive components. The sub-oor
provides an antiskid surface for
entry and exit when the ramp
is deployed. The RA500 ramp
stows into the sub oor
providing an unobstructed an-
tiskid surface for entry and exit
when the ramp is not in use.
Ramp Platform: The ramp
platform is the aluminum ramp
section assembly featuring a full
antiskid surface.
Chain Drive Assembly: The
electric motor driven chain drive
deploys and stows the ramp plat-
form assembly.
Ramp Actions and Functions
Extend: Extend is the action of
the platform moving out of the
pan weldment (housing).
Retract: Retract is the action of
the platform moving in to the pan
weldment (housing).
Deploy: Deploy is the action of
the ramp assembly extending to
ground level when the DEPLOY
(OUT) switch is activated.
Stow: Stow is the action of the
ramp assembly retracting inward
to the stowed position when the
STOW (IN) switch is activated.
Note: the one touch control-
ler activates both the stow and
deploy functions, dependant upon
the state of the RA500.
Stowed Position: Stowed
position is achieved when the
ramp platform assembly is fully
retracted (resting fully in the pan
Manual Override: Manual
operation is achieved through
the use of a mechanical release.
Simply pull the release and use
the hand hold provided on the
ramp platform to manually deploy
or stow the ramp. Minimal physi-
cal effort is required to stow and
deploy the ramp platform. Slow
steady motion results in the least
resistance and easy operation.
See pages 12 and 13 for detailed
manual release procedure.
Obstruction Sensing: An ob-
struction sensing feature is stan-
dard with the RA500 ramp. The
controller monitors the instanta-
neous movement of the electric
motor, and calculates a “real time”
running average of the current. It
then compares the programmed
peak (maximum vs. instanta-
neous) and delta (instantaneous
minus running average) limits to
determine if an obstruction has
been encountered.
Weight Sensing Pad (optional):
The platform can be equipped
with a weight sensing pad. This
optional feature will cause the
ramp not to operate in the event
that 15 kilograms or more is on
the ramp platform.