• Oral temperatures are influenced by drinking,
eating and breathing.
• Rectal temperatures lag behind changes in core
body temperature and there is a risk of cross-
Body temperature
• Normal body temperature is a range. The fol-
lowing table shows that this normal range also
varies by site. Therefore, readings from different
sites should not be directly compared.
• As well, a person’s normal temperature range
tends to decrease with age. The following table
shows normal ThermoScan ranges by age.
• However, the range of normal also varies from
person to person and fluctuates throughout the
day. It is therefore important to determine your
and your family member’s normal temperature
ranges. This is easily done using Braun
ThermoScan. Practise taking temperatures on
yourself and healthy family members to determine
their normal temperature ranges.
Note: When consulting your physician, communicate
that the ThermoScan temperature is a temperature
measured in the ear and if possible, note the indi-
vidual’s normal ThermoScan temperature range as
additional reference.
Normal ranges by site:
Axillary: 34.7 – 37.3 °C 94.5 – 99.1 °F
Oral: 35.5 – 37.5 °C 95.9 – 99.5 °F
Rectal: 36.6 – 38.0 °C 97.9 – 100.4 °F
ThermoScan: 35.8 – 38.0 °C 96.4 – 100.4 °F
Normal ThermoScan ranges by age:
0 – 2 years 36.4 – 38.0 °C 97.5 – 100.4 °F
3 – 10 years 36.1 – 37.8 °C 97.0 – 100.0 °F
11 – 65 years 35.9 – 37.6 °C 96.6 – 99.7 °F
> 65 years 35.8 – 37.5 °C 96.4 – 99.5 °F
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